98 |
Submitted (under review) (2024) |
97 |
Submitted (under review) (2024) |
96 |
Submitted (under review) (2024) |
95 |
Journal of Chemical Sciences (in press) (2024) |
94 |
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 41, 750 (2024) |
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Journal of Optics, 26, 045403 (2024) |
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Analyst, 149, 1791 (2024) |
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Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 400, 111891 (2024) |
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Infrared Physics & Technology, 139, 105317 (2024) |
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Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15, 4430 (2024) |
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Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 40, 2418 (2023) |
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Journal of Chemical Sciences, 135, 113 (2023) |
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Journal of Chemical Sciences, 135, 52 (2023) |
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Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 391, 111719 (2023) |
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Laser Physics Letters, 20, 075701 (2023) |
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European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 29, 192 (2023) |
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Infrared Physics & Technology, 133, 104752 (2023) |
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Analytical Chemistry, 95, 9357 (2023) |
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Infrared Physics & Technology, 125, 104261 (2022) |
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Applied Physics A, 128, 698 (2022) |
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Analyst, 147, 1024-1054 (2022) |
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Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 39, 1822-1828 (2022) |
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BioMetals (2022) |
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Optics Communications, 527, 128956 (2023) |
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Laser Physics, 32, 035702 (2022) |
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Chemical Physics Impact, 3, 100049 (2021) |
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Analytical Chemistry, 94, 6689-6694 (2022) |
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Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 381, 111523 (2021) |
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Optics Letters, 46, 5826-5829 (2021) |
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Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37, 544-550 (2022) |
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Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 384, 111572 (2022) |
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Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 36, 1813-1825 (2021) |
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Materials Today Communications, 28, 102713 (2021) |
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Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 263, 12093 (2021) |
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Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 38 (1), 387-391 (2021) |
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Analytical Chemistry, 93(1), 388-416 (2021) |
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Chemical Physics, 541, 111041 (2021) |
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Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 57, 368-385 (2021) |
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Solar Energy, 216, 61-74 (2021) |
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MRS Communications, 11, 843-849 (2021) |
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Journal of Modern Optics, 68, 146-152 (2021) |
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Journal of Optics, 22, 105004 (2020) |
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Journal of Chemical Sciences,132, 114 (2020) |
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Chemical Physics, 535, 110769 (2020) |
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Analytical Chemistry, 92, 8, 5717-5723 (2020) |
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Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 370, 111276 (2020) |
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Laser Physics Letters, 17, 066001 (2020) |
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Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124, 6, 1104-1111 (2020) |
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Analytical Chemistry, 92, 5, 3998-4005 (2020) |
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Chemical Physics, 522, 123-128 (2019) |
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Asian Journal of Physics, 28(4), 219-224 (2019) |
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Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 4, 2573-2578 (2019) |
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Chemical Physics, 520, 21-26 (2019) |
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Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 34, 860-866 (2019) |
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Journal of Breath Research, 13, 016002 (2018) |
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Optics Communications, 437, 312-320, (2019) |
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Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 35 (8), 1956-1962 (2018) |
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Analyst, 143, 2109-2114 (2018) |
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Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources, MT3C.1, (2018) |
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Laser Physics, 28, 105702 (2018) |
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Asian Journal of Physics, 26, 291-298 (2017) |
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Journal of Breath Research, 12, 026005 (2018) |
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Analytical Chemistry, 90, 1384-1387 (2018) |
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Journal of Physics Communications, 2, 045014 (2018) |
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Laser Physics Letters, 15, 045701 (2018) |
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Journal of Breath Research, 12, 036019 (2018) |
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Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 54, 435-445 (2018) |
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Laser Physics, 28, 045701 (2018) |
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Laser Physics Letters, 14, 115701 (2017) |
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RSC Advances, 7, 31372-31276 (2017) |
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Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 409 (1), 193-200 (2017) |
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Scientific Reports, 6, 35836 (2016) |
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Optics Letters, 41 (9), 1949-1952 (2016) |
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Journal of Breath Research, 8, 036001 (2014) |
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Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 406, 5405 (2014) |
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Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29, 1918 (2014) |
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Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 7127-7136 (2010) |
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Environmetal Science and Technology, 44, 1360-1365 (2010) |
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Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 7354-7359 (2008) |
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Applied Physics B, B 90, 1-9 (2008) |
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Analyst, 131, 731-738 (2006) |
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Chemical Physics Letters, 407, 100-104 (2005) |
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Chemical Physics Letters, 411, 86-90 (2005) |
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Chemical Physics Letters, 411, 506-510 (2005) |
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