Rates of Using Laoboratory Facilities

Effective rates of Equipment Utilization from 01st July 2013

1. For external users, we have two rates one for academic use and other for commercial use. Rates are as follows:

Sl. No. Equibments and Services Academic Rate (per sample or per hour which ever is greater) Commercial Rate (per sample or per hour which ever is greater)

XRD Power Diffraction, Reflectivity/Rocking Curve and Thin flim analysis

Rs. 500/- Rs. 1500/-
2. FESEM Rs. 1500/- Rs. 2500/-
3. ESEM Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000/-
4. EDAX Rs. 500/- Rs. 1000/-
5. AFM Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000/-
6. VSM Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000/-
7. TG/DTA Rs. 500/- Rs. 1500/-
8. DLS

Rs. 500/- (with out filter) & Rs. 1000/- (with filter)

Rs. 1000/- (with out filter) & Rs. 2000/- (with filter)
9. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Rs. 500/- Rs. 1500/-
10. HRTEM Rs. 4500/- per hour (maximum two samples will be allowed in one hour) --
11. DSC Rs. 500/- Rs. 1500/-