Invited Speakers
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Advisory Committee
  • Prof. A. Mookerjee, S N Bose Centre, Kolkata
  • Prof. A. K. Raychaudhuri, S N Bose Centre, Kolkata
  • Prof. A. M. Jayannavar, Inst. of Physics, Bhubaneswar
Organizing Committee
  • Dr P. Singha Deo (Convener), S N Bose Centre, Kolkata
  • Dr. G. Gangopadhyay (Convener), S N Bose Centre, Kolkata
  • Dr. S. Gupta, S N Bose Centre, Kolkata
Traveling allowance and hospitality will be provided to Students and Post-Docs on 1st come 1st serve basis. Please write to deo@bose.res.in

As mesoscopic physics is evolving fast, subtle connections with molecular and atomic spectroscopy is becoming important. The conference is expected to provide a discussion forum for this.

Electron conduction through quantum dots have revealed that transmission through quantum dots is greatly influenced by Fano resonances. It was earlier known that Raman scattering from atoms and molecules is greatly modified by the presence of Fano resonances. The conference is expected to bring together some like minded people to see what mesoscopic community can learn from spectroscopy community and if one can understand some unexplained features of quantum dots and other similar mesoscopic systems.

Besides there is the ever pressing demand for miniaturization of devices. So the theme of the conference also has to set with that.

S N Bose National centre for Basic sciences
Block JD, Salt Lake City, Sector-III, Kolkata-98
Phone: +91 (033) 2335 5706-8 Fax : +91 (033) 2335 3477