At SNBNCBS Kolkata



PHY191 (Basic Laboratory – I)

PHY391 (Methods of Experimental Physics)

PHY292 (Project Based Course I)

PHY304 (Project Based Course II)



PHY416: Optical Physics

PHY410: Advanced Techniques in Experimental Physics

PHY191 (Basic Laboratoty – I)

PHY292 (Project Based Course I)

PHY304 (Project Based Course II)

PHY401 (Project Based Course III)



PHY191 (Basic Laboratoty – I)


AT IIT Delhi

Winter 2009

PHL655: Laser Physics

PHP100: B.Tech. (1st year lab).

M. Sc. 1st year lab.


Winter 2008

EPL334: Lasers.

B. Tech. 3rd year lab.

PHP100: B.Tech. (1st year lab).


Fall 2008

PHL110: Fields and waves.

EPV 450: Selected topics in nanotechnology (4 lectures)

EPN110: Introduction to Engineering Physics (2 lectures)

PHP100: B.Tech. (1st year lab).

M. Sc. 1st year lab.


Winter 2007

PHL110: Field and waves.

PHP100: B.Tech. (1st year lab).


Summer 2007

PHL110: Fields and waves.


Fall 2007

EPL441: Applications of Lasers in Technology.

M.Sc. 1st year lab.





Tutorials of undergraduate physics at the School of Physics, University of Exeter, UK: 

Year 2: Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics and Solid State Physics

Year 1: Vectors and Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Heat and Thermodynamics.