Educational Background:
M.Sc (Physics with Elementary particle physics special) I.I.T. Kharagpur, 1978
Post M.Sc (Nuclear and elementary partcile physics) Saha Institute, Kolkata, 1979
Ph.D (Science) Saha Institute, Calcutta University, 1988
Professional Background:
Associate Prof. at S.N.Bose Centre (2000)
Professor at S.N.Bose Centre (2006 onwards)
Important awards and fellowship of academies:
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Heidelberg (1989), Munich (2003)
CNPq Fellow, Brasil, 1996
Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellow, KEK, Tsukuba, 2002
Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), India
Main area of work
- Noncommutative field theory
- Anomalies and Hawking Effect
- Cosmology
Significant recent publication:
Hawking radiation and covariant anomalies. (with S. Kulkarni) [hep-th/0707.2449]
generators, transformations and identities on a noncommutative
space.(with S. Samanta) Eur.Phys.J.C 51(2007)207;[hep-th/0608214].
conformal and super-poincare symmetries in the non-(anti) commutative
spaces.(with S.Siwach and C. Lee) Eur.Phys.J.C
Seiberg-Witten map, induced gravity and topological invariants in
noncommutative field theories. (with H.S. Yang) Nucl.Phys.B
708(2005)434; [hep-th/0404064].
map and the axial anomaly in noncommutative field theory. (with S.
Ghosh) Phys.Lett.B 533(2002)162; [hep-th/0110177].